UPSHOT-KNOTHOLE - This operation conducted at the Nevada Test Site consisted of 11 atmospheric tests. There were three airdrops, seven tower tests, and one airburst. Conducted between March 17 and June 4, 1953, this operation involved the testing of new theories, using both fission and fusion devices.

The photo shows the complete disintegration of a house by a nuclear blast. What a theory.

from the web site of the Nevada Test Site Nuclear War: New Nuke Power in UK has a Detractor in Parliment

Sunday, March 19, 2006


New Nuke Power in UK has a Detractor in Parliment

Apparently Tony Blair may usher in a new nuclear age in the UK, much like Bush here in the US. They're considering building new nuclear power plants in Britain.

Peter Hain has become the first member of Blair's cabinet to criticize the plan publicly.

Hain breaks ranks to oppose nuclear power

"...serious concerns must remain about nuclear: the financial costs are impossible to estimate, security implications are vast, its label as 'clean' is unwarranted as uranium enrichment is carbon-emitting and we rely on other nations for its supply."

I hadn't realized Uranium enrichment emitted green house gasses - I wonder how?

As for "relying on other nations for its supply." - One of the "other nations" that could supply the UK's growing uranium needs is Australia. Let's hear it for the old empire! (although the UK may have to bid against the likes of China and India for their share of the ore.)

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