UPSHOT-KNOTHOLE - This operation conducted at the Nevada Test Site consisted of 11 atmospheric tests. There were three airdrops, seven tower tests, and one airburst. Conducted between March 17 and June 4, 1953, this operation involved the testing of new theories, using both fission and fusion devices.

The photo shows the complete disintegration of a house by a nuclear blast. What a theory.

from the web site of the Nevada Test Site Nuclear War: November 2005

Saturday, November 19, 2005


Pray for Peace, Pray for George

"As the President has stepped up his defense of the war on terror, pray that the people of the world will hear and heed and that insurgent efforts will fail. Pray that the nation of Iraq will continue to grow toward democracy and that it will not become a terrorist sanctuary from which terrorists can plan and launch attacks. Pray that those terrorists who regard Iraq as the central front in their war against humanity will be defeated, that this vital front in the war on terror will be gained for good. Pray for a strengthening of understanding on the importance of this mission by all Americans."

As Associate Pastor of Cowboy Church of Ellis County, Texas,Rick McKenzie is probally praying for the president RIGHT NOW!

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