Friday, March 24, 2006
Tritium Spills from Nuke Plants Around the Country
Nuclear plants to reassess limits on tainted releases:
Tritium leaks are not a new problem. They have been found over the last nine years at a closed plant in Haddam, Conn.; the Salem plants in southern New Jersey; the Savannah River plant in South Carolina; and the Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, according to the NRC.
"It has not been a major issue," [NRC chief physicist Steve] Klementowicz said in an interview. But the recent string of disclosures has changed the situation, he said. "It just seems like the whole world is raining tritium right now."
Asbury Park Press claims to be "the Jersey Shores Biggest and Best News Source," which could be true. I blogged this article, in part, because of the remarkably comprhensive "RELATED ARTICLES" column.
Same link as yesterday: NRC on Tritium and the "leaks."
Tritium leaks are not a new problem. They have been found over the last nine years at a closed plant in Haddam, Conn.; the Salem plants in southern New Jersey; the Savannah River plant in South Carolina; and the Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, according to the NRC.
"It has not been a major issue," [NRC chief physicist Steve] Klementowicz said in an interview. But the recent string of disclosures has changed the situation, he said. "It just seems like the whole world is raining tritium right now."
Asbury Park Press claims to be "the Jersey Shores Biggest and Best News Source," which could be true. I blogged this article, in part, because of the remarkably comprhensive "RELATED ARTICLES" column.
Same link as yesterday: NRC on Tritium and the "leaks."
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