Saturday, November 19, 2005
Pray for Peace, Pray for George
"As the President has stepped up his defense of the war on terror, pray that the people of the world will hear and heed and that insurgent efforts will fail. Pray that the nation of Iraq will continue to grow toward democracy and that it will not become a terrorist sanctuary from which terrorists can plan and launch attacks. Pray that those terrorists who regard Iraq as the central front in their war against humanity will be defeated, that this vital front in the war on terror will be gained for good. Pray for a strengthening of understanding on the importance of this mission by all Americans."
As Associate Pastor of Cowboy Church of Ellis County, Texas,Rick McKenzie is probally praying for the president RIGHT NOW!
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We have a farm in Iowa. for decades we grew corn. After a while crops were not as good as in the past. We changed to grazing live stock. after a while the herd got so big stock was getting sick and there wasn't enough space.
Wer decided to kill off a few. Took them to market. Recleared the land now things are all better.
For the average Texan Moron and most of America included. (I say it this way because most shutter at the thought of killing eventhough common sence is the choice.) It is time to clear the fields. The world has to many humans. The only remidty is to kill off part of the herd.
All the induced aspects of control are not working. 2.5 million abortions a year. Not working they are still breading like rats. Hitler murdered 2 million Jews a year at the peak of crop cleansing. The public called it a holicaust. America has murdered over 50 million babies they call it choice.
I'd say the world is ready for a good job of curing the problem.
About 6 well place nucular bomms on major cities in America and around the world should be looked at as a cure. We have supplies in place around the planet. Human kind will survive. The wealthy will have their share to survive for reestablishment of "CORPORACRACY". IT IS TIME.
Consider our selfs lucky. America is going to have a great black leader to administer "CHOICE" for humankind. If, just if things go as predicted. the fields will begin being cleared in 2009-2010.
It will be a great time on planet Earth. There will be fewer population. An we will be back to the values that made this country what it is today. But we will be starting almost over again. Not quite. But it will be almost a clean field.
Wer decided to kill off a few. Took them to market. Recleared the land now things are all better.
For the average Texan Moron and most of America included. (I say it this way because most shutter at the thought of killing eventhough common sence is the choice.) It is time to clear the fields. The world has to many humans. The only remidty is to kill off part of the herd.
All the induced aspects of control are not working. 2.5 million abortions a year. Not working they are still breading like rats. Hitler murdered 2 million Jews a year at the peak of crop cleansing. The public called it a holicaust. America has murdered over 50 million babies they call it choice.
I'd say the world is ready for a good job of curing the problem.
About 6 well place nucular bomms on major cities in America and around the world should be looked at as a cure. We have supplies in place around the planet. Human kind will survive. The wealthy will have their share to survive for reestablishment of "CORPORACRACY". IT IS TIME.
Consider our selfs lucky. America is going to have a great black leader to administer "CHOICE" for humankind. If, just if things go as predicted. the fields will begin being cleared in 2009-2010.
It will be a great time on planet Earth. There will be fewer population. An we will be back to the values that made this country what it is today. But we will be starting almost over again. Not quite. But it will be almost a clean field.
Of all experience. Which ever existed. And all , That will ever exist. Every experience is unique, to the receiver. Mental stimulation. Inducing , action , Causing chemical exchanges. Between information processors. Of various life forms.
Description of our thought process. Which is accepted in this time and space , of human existence here on planet Earth.
Humans have memory ! They can analyze memory. They can use the information. Make calculated Judgments’ and decisions , resulting in, “objectives “.
Inducing chemical exchange, within the information processor, impacts, “Goals and Objectives” , Out of nothing more , then a single thought.
This is absolutely correct. There is not one human on Planet Earth. That can prove the afore mentioned statement false….! .
So, the receiver of this statement has to engage though t, as to reality. That the above stated fact, has not. Changed since the beginning of time.
Everything created by humans . Started as a thought. Chemical exchanges engaged by thought. Stimulated by , processes, within the brain. Out of nothing more then, impact. Of a significant, emotional event. That engrains memory . Out of less than thin air.
One thought, has created the largest * Corporacracy * of Power, anywhere. Ever known to exist. Our Government is what *they* decide! Have you been fooled ?
The above statement is absolutely correct. Meaning, all combined wealth of Corporations, as a majority. Control the largest quantity, of power. Which ever existed ..
The * Corporacracy * erases, nations’ , borders and steals sovereignty of the people. With objectives to expunge any reason for patriotism !
This statement is more factual. Than what is stated on the back of , U.S. Dollar bills.
“ In “God” “ We” “Trust ”.
Be grateful . To your Master .
Condensed definition
Corporacracy (co-por-AC-racy)
n. pl. co•por•ac-racies
1. A word combining "corporation" and "aristocracy".
2. Government by CEOs and top executives of global corporations.
3. Global corporations, considered the primary source of political power.
4. Wealth rules
5. The principles of gross financial inequality and fear of global corporations.
6. The reason the top 5% of the population control over 40% of the wealth.
7. A government that, by blatant disregard for humanity and the environment, is causing the American "middle class" to shrink, fading into an almost poverty level existence. They do this by taking advantage of the "middle class’s" apathy and its addiction to fossil fuels.
8. A government that buys figure head leaders, known as "presidents". These "leaders" are called Republicans and Democrats. Members of the shrinking "middle class" still embrace a fantasy which leads them to write editorial letters debating the differences between the two "parties". They are still under the false impression that there are only two "political" parties existing in the US.
9. The Corporacracy controls colonies in North America, Western and Eastern Europe, Central and South America, Asia, Africa and Australia. It’s sole rule of governance is to create money which creates more money.
10. Functions independently. Controlling others.
11. : For separate purposes. To produce wealth and power.
12. ultimate master slave relationship within a monetary exchange system of labor. Inducing government function. Producing predetermined results.
13. Master controller of all that can be controlled
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Description of our thought process. Which is accepted in this time and space , of human existence here on planet Earth.
Humans have memory ! They can analyze memory. They can use the information. Make calculated Judgments’ and decisions , resulting in, “objectives “.
Inducing chemical exchange, within the information processor, impacts, “Goals and Objectives” , Out of nothing more , then a single thought.
This is absolutely correct. There is not one human on Planet Earth. That can prove the afore mentioned statement false….! .
So, the receiver of this statement has to engage though t, as to reality. That the above stated fact, has not. Changed since the beginning of time.
Everything created by humans . Started as a thought. Chemical exchanges engaged by thought. Stimulated by , processes, within the brain. Out of nothing more then, impact. Of a significant, emotional event. That engrains memory . Out of less than thin air.
One thought, has created the largest * Corporacracy * of Power, anywhere. Ever known to exist. Our Government is what *they* decide! Have you been fooled ?
The above statement is absolutely correct. Meaning, all combined wealth of Corporations, as a majority. Control the largest quantity, of power. Which ever existed ..
The * Corporacracy * erases, nations’ , borders and steals sovereignty of the people. With objectives to expunge any reason for patriotism !
This statement is more factual. Than what is stated on the back of , U.S. Dollar bills.
“ In “God” “ We” “Trust ”.
Be grateful . To your Master .
Condensed definition
Corporacracy (co-por-AC-racy)
n. pl. co•por•ac-racies
1. A word combining "corporation" and "aristocracy".
2. Government by CEOs and top executives of global corporations.
3. Global corporations, considered the primary source of political power.
4. Wealth rules
5. The principles of gross financial inequality and fear of global corporations.
6. The reason the top 5% of the population control over 40% of the wealth.
7. A government that, by blatant disregard for humanity and the environment, is causing the American "middle class" to shrink, fading into an almost poverty level existence. They do this by taking advantage of the "middle class’s" apathy and its addiction to fossil fuels.
8. A government that buys figure head leaders, known as "presidents". These "leaders" are called Republicans and Democrats. Members of the shrinking "middle class" still embrace a fantasy which leads them to write editorial letters debating the differences between the two "parties". They are still under the false impression that there are only two "political" parties existing in the US.
9. The Corporacracy controls colonies in North America, Western and Eastern Europe, Central and South America, Asia, Africa and Australia. It’s sole rule of governance is to create money which creates more money.
10. Functions independently. Controlling others.
11. : For separate purposes. To produce wealth and power.
12. ultimate master slave relationship within a monetary exchange system of labor. Inducing government function. Producing predetermined results.
13. Master controller of all that can be controlled
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