Thursday, January 19, 2006
United States Bombs Pakistan, a Nuclear Power

The Guardian Article is very critical of the bombing.
The results of the attack in Pakistan have been wide-spread outrage according to some news accounts.
And there have been positive accounts of the attacks as well, calling them a "significant blow" in the war on terror: "The Jan. 13 attack... killed 13 villagers in the Pakistani hamlet near the Afghan border, and possibly four or five foreign militants whose bodies were reportedly spirited away by sympathizers..."
My question: Does the War on Terror mean that the U.S. can bomb any country it wants without Congressional declarations of war? Isn't this against the law?
This bombing was not necessarilly the first in Pakistan (CIA drone kills al-Qaida operative - Pakistan denies Predator strike took place on its territory - May 14, 2005)..."Sources told NBC News that the CIA has all the approvals necessary within its counterterror center in Langley, Va., to fire missiles within Pakistan when an al-Qaida target is spotted. The agency does not have to check with the White House or with Pakistani authorities or the CIA director."
These bombings could be a first, as far as the U.S. attacking a nuclear power (albeit a small village at the border)... There was the chinese embassy bombed in Belgrade.
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