UPSHOT-KNOTHOLE - This operation conducted at the Nevada Test Site consisted of 11 atmospheric tests. There were three airdrops, seven tower tests, and one airburst. Conducted between March 17 and June 4, 1953, this operation involved the testing of new theories, using both fission and fusion devices.

The photo shows the complete disintegration of a house by a nuclear blast. What a theory.

from the web site of the Nevada Test Site Nuclear War: Good News - Bollywood better than Bombs

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Good News - Bollywood better than Bombs

This Indian film (Sohni Mahiwal) will play on the Big Screen in Pakistan, despite a decades long ban on Bollywood. Yet another small step in the cooling off of tensions between these two nuclear powers that have fought three wars against one another.

I'm all for it.

baby steps. baby steps

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